About CSP Acoustics, Acoustic Consultants Scotland.

About CSP Acoustics

CSP Acoustics is a focused, specialist company offering a range of consultancy services covering Architectural, Environmental and Building Acoustics and Sound Insulation Test Risk Management and Testing throughout Scotland and the UK.

The company’s prime focus is on Architectural and Building Acoustics, Noise Impact Assessments and Noise Control as well as Sound Insulation and Airtightness Testing and Test Risk Management. The staff and consultants at CSP Acoustics work together to provide the skills required to meet project and client needs in these specialised, but essential, project development areas.

CSP Acoustics was formed in 2013 to take forward, expand and develop the acoustical services previously delivered for 25 years by one part of the Charlton Smith Partnership, which was established in 1988. For many years the company provided Acoustics and Town Planning services until CSP Acoustics was established to focus on and expand consultancy services in Architectural, Building and Environmental Acoustics and in Sound Insulation, Test Risk Management and Testing.

The company has offices in Broughty Ferry, Dundee and Regent House, Glasgow as well as additional resources, staffing and management to expand and take forward its services throughout Scotland and the UK.

The Team
Some of the people we work with…


Monday 9.00 - 5.00
Tuesday 9.00 - 5.00
Wednesday 9.00 - 5.00
Thursday 9.00 - 5.00
Friday 9.00 - 5.00


CSP Acoustics will only update you on important news regarding acoustics regulations and noise control.